Uninsured Motorist Coverage Claims
In Oregon, every motor vehicle bodily injury liability policy must contain uninsured motorist coverage in an amount of at least $25,000. The amount must be the same as the limit for bodily injury liability, unless [...]
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in Oregon
In December, 2016, the Oregon Supreme Court recognized the tort of negligent infliction of emotional distress without a physical impact. Philibert v. Kluser, 360 OR 698 (2016). This was a change. Since 1986, Oregon law [...]
Wrongful death actions in Oregon
In Oregon, wrongful death actions are governed by statute. The people that may bring a wrongful death action include spouses, children and parents of the deceased. The action is brought by the personal representative of [...]
Invasion of Personal Privacy
Today virtually everyone is carrying around cell phone/computers in their pockets, and has the ability to take pictures or videos at any time. This allows them to surreptitiously record images in locker rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms [...]
Employers Should Consider Non-Solicitation Agreements
Non-solicitation agreements are very useful tools for many employers. A non-solicitation agreement contains language that prevents a departing employee from soliciting business from customers of the employer for a period of time. It may also [...]
Insurance Commission complaints provide new leverage in Oregon
Insurance commission complaints are subject to public disclosure beginning January 1, 2016. This will provide more transparency, and increase leverage against insurance companies that engage in unfair settlement practices. As background, there has existed in [...]